Menu  Email Maniacs

Your Domain Email Service Signup

Please use this form to set up email using Email Maniacs to handle your domain email. The setup is $4.00 and the monthly cost is $4.00 per email address.


Request Email Address:

Your Name:

Current Contact Email:

Contact Phone Number:

MX Records
Note that this service requires you to change the MX Records for your domain.

Email with Email Maniacs domain
Sign up here instead if you want to use one of our domains for email.


This is how many months you want to sign up for and how much it costs.

Your Name
This is your real name. (We keep all member information confidential.)

Request Email Address:
This is the email address you want to use with your domain. (We assume you already own the domain.)

Current Contact Email:
This is where we will send your login credentials so you can use our service.

Contact Phone Number:
This is the number we will use to contact you if you forget your password.

You can only sign up for one email address at a time, unless you contact us to make other arrangements.

Payments are neither refundable nor transferrable.


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